Pharmacy Hero: Pharmacist Dresses in Superhero Costume To Deliver Medications


Today we’re celebrating the work of Mayank Amin, PharmD, RPh, MBA, owner of Skippack Pharmacy.

Today we’re celebrating the work of Mayank Amin, PharmD, RPh, MBA, owner of Skippack Pharmacy, who has gone above and beyond for his staff and patients during the coronavirus disease 2019 pandemic and has taken on the role of a real superhero.

On Monday, the pharmacy installed new shields and implemented new processes to protect the pharmacy staff. Amin dressed as Captain America while helping patients throughout the day, and after closing he went to delivery medications to patients’ homes. One patient excitedly messaged the pharmacy saying her 6-year-old saw “Captain America” and managed to get a video of the drop-off.

Pharmacy Times wants to celebrate the amazing pharmacy staff members who are on the frontlines every day. Nominate someone in your pharmacy by emailing with their name, position, and why they’re a hero!

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